I recently interviewed Dr. S.Fox, director of a leading nanotechnology company, the future of nanotechnology and the production of useful energy providers, without giving cleaning and require massive investment. The answers to these questions are very difficult enlightening and encouraging for the future of energy business.Dr. V.K. Tsitsiringos. Thank Dr. Fox for an interview. As an investor and economist, is the process of any subject or trends that affect the nature of one of the world's major new industry has always been an important topic.
Dr. Fox. It is my pleasure to explain anything I can.Dr. V.K. Tsitsiringos. Can you tell me about your news process, and how it can affect the petroleum industry in general? Dr. Fox. No doubt about it. Our company (as well as many major oil groups) working on algae fuel. This process involves a procedure that is safe for the environment really clean and 100%. We planted several types of algae in the tank or in some special cases, the pool grows. It is the algae in the process, one side will back the development of new algae, and other parts for the bioreactor. Hydoclones then processed goods passed, and nanotech filters, fuel extracted.Dr. V. K. Tsitsiringos. How much fuel can do, and what is it? Dr. Fox. We are currently about 50 metric tonnes per day. Our production is - 70% synthetic oil - (processed 80% diesel, 15% gasoline, heavy fuel 5%) and 30% of the protein mass - suitable for further use as animal feed and Bio Additives.Dr. V.K. Tsitsiringos. What fuel quality like? Dr. Fox. Diesel fuel quality and the highest standards - and are considered "green" - because it does not contain salt, Sulphur, Lead etc.
Dr. V. K. Tsitsiringos. This is actually a very innovative idea, but 50 tonnes per day is really not even a drop in the ocean requires fuel now we developed and developing world.Dr. Fox. This is true, but one can imagine the processing equipment second or third generation. We are looking forward to the level of refinery production, 1000-5000 tonnes per day. It is necessary to extend the equipment on the ground (or at least we thought floating marine plants). As a result of nanotechnology, we also have a great improvement in the production of one hectare simple plant.Dr us. V.K. Tsitsiringos. And plant fuel (or should we say algae farming) expensive investment? Dr. Fox. We have kept the price a bit, and in fact, as soon as possible so that the processing equipment dotting the coastline in the world.
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